lørdag den 14. december 2013

Cabin in my heart

The Windows were so dirty
The sun didn't hurt my eyes
The tears I felt a'coming
Couldn't finish my pain's demise
The wispy leafs on the dying tree
Didn't bother to stay belonging
My heartthrobs nocturnal neediness
Was never ready for the morning

I stole a glance of the horizon
The dreary task of day
Yet nigh seems the end of reason
And with it my dismay

onsdag den 9. oktober 2013

Cosmos thoughts

I want to be one with the cosmos
I want to know the rules
I want to be
Someone who can see
The miracles between us

I want the Universe
Under my skin and bones
I want the Stars
In my arms
Relieved of this curse

May the evanescence
Of my being
Be the beginning of something great
May my lack of insight
Be knowledge to other's hindsight

And may I be one with the cosmos

tirsdag den 21. maj 2013

Circle of misery

We need to be heard
But why can't we listen?
We need to be seen
Yet stay reluctant to see

By our urge to be best
We have no mercy for the weak
With our stolen dreams
We have devoured hope
We have slept with Pandora
We have foretold and discarded our happy ending
We have fulfilled the circle of misery

mandag den 13. maj 2013

Livets dans

Livet leger let med gårsdagens skrubler
nogengange så hurtigt at det snubler
livet laver lagkage med kærlighed og had
serverer det sammen med mit hovede på et sølvfad

lørdag den 11. maj 2013

Hungry heart

I realize now
- after devouring several potential mates -
that I am not, though anticipated, a fool of love

I simply have a hungry heart
I cannot satisfy my hungry heart
I'll die with a hungry, hungry heart.

Location:In the art of subconscious illusion

torsdag den 2. maj 2013

Solrig forårsdag

Hvor er det fedt, at være ubesværet
Jeg må sige, at jeg ligefrem er helt beæret
Se mig verden! Jeg er single og fri!
Helt uden brug for kæreste-empiri
Ha, siger jeg bare, hverken ensom eller ked
- jeg er da bare min helt egen store kærlighed!

torsdag den 18. april 2013

Love Is...

Green and purple slimy hearts
Pulsating shaping your name
Rotting disgusting smelly farts
Is the fragile frame
Which keeps us sane

They told me that love was a marvellous thing
A great blizzard of pink snow and thunder
But as I lay dying in your cums unchanging stink
I can only seem to wonder
About the tragedy that lies yonder

It's funny how a poet can only seem to describe
The flabbergastering truth that love hides
And it's gooly how, when you find it you do
Realize with regret that love is indeed
Only too good to be true

lørdag den 19. januar 2013

Deprived of positive thinking

The moon
 the dark side of the moon
The stars, the snow
 they glitter at noon
The universe
 the universe contradicts me
But why
 am I lost so easily?
It all adds up
 it all makes sense
There is no moon
 there is no conscience
 there is no coincidence
There is no noon.

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