fredag den 5. oktober 2012

To Measure Oneself

Sometimes the world seems so twisted,
Sometimes it only takes one thing to fuck you up,
At these times it can truly be measured,
What you’re really made of.

1 kommentar:

  1. Kamilla - Enjoying your poetry, you have an interesting sensibility. We at Synchronized Chaos International Magazine invite you to submit poetry our way at - we accept poetry and writing from around the world and develop our monthly themes based on what we have received.

    Also, we'd love to send you a copy of poet Janine Canan's new book, Ardor, and have you review it in your blog. More information below:

    I'm Cristina Deptula with Synchronized Chaos International Magazine, and we're inviting you to review the work of psychiatrist and experienced poet Janine Canan. Her new collection of poetry, recently published by Pilgrims Press, celebrates nature, life, birth, inspiration, and the
    feminine, with a strident yet gentle tone.

    Canan touches on profound themes in an insightful way, addressing war, violence, gender, sexuality, feminism, ecological concerns, spirituality, justice and power. She
    expresses values and ideas through lyrical, descriptive verse that can be understood at first reading, yet takes several reads to fully appreciate.

    Her work is elegant and life-affirming, celebrating people, plants and animals in various stages of life and conveying a vision of a balanced, nurturing world that welcomes all its varied inhabitants. Ardor is meaningful yet pleasant to read, and full of a diverse, rich array of pieces from this accomplished writer.

    A graduate of Stanford University and the New York University School of Medicine, a practicing psychiatrist and champion of women's equality, Janine Canan has been writing, editing, and publishing books and anthologies since 1977.

    She currently lives in Sonoma, California with a lovely Samoyed dog and follows the teachings of Indian saint and humanitarian Amma Amritanandamayi.

    We're offering you a free paperback copy of Janine Canan's Ardor if you'd like to write a review. Please reply and let us know if you would be interested, and we will get the book off to you!

    You may learn more about Dr. Janine Canan on her website, which is also where you can order the book. The publisher will make it available on Amazon soon.

    Title Ardor
    Author Dr. Janine Canan
    Publisher Pilgrims Press
    Length 250 pages
    Subjects Poetry, Women, Spirituality, Nature, Beauty,
    ISBN 978-81-7769-989-0
    Size 8" by 5"
    Suggested price $10

    Thank you very much,

    Cristina Deptula

    Synchronized Chaos International Magazine


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